The early seer sages perceived
these Powers, contemplated
the mysteries of creation
(the successive aspects assumed
by earlier solar systems)
The magi of Chaldea
the priests of Egypt
to them the stars were alive,
in the stars they saw
the gods
So the planets became
the gods of mythology
The central doctrine of occult science
is the F I R E Principle
substance of the universe,
instrument of the gods
who was Fire hidden in all things
who was universal agent and substance
the Aryans revered the FIRE of Agni
for they saw in it the substance
and vestment of the gods
FIRE is an elemental first form of matter
the garment and the body of the gods,
the medium thro which
the gods acted upon the world
This doctrine of HOLY FIRE is an ancient doctrine
illuminated in the poetry of the Vedas,
formulated scientifically by Heraclitus
"FIRE is genesis
from whose transformations
all things are born"
FIRE is not only a vivifying principle
FIRE is also a destroying principle
planets, moons, created in fire
will be destroyed by fire
The gods are dead
There is only this
unending torrent of phenomena
following one another flowing
like w a v e s around
the circle of the sun
All things united
by sympathy or antipathy,
the whole of creation
held and linked together
is living and animated
1. circa 806 to 670 BC
2. circa 806 to 670 BC
3. post 670 BC