Tuesday, December 30, 2014


When you organize
“contradictory” elements
out of yr work

you are not just getting rid
of them, you also get rid of
the very “contradiction”

of which they were part;
and it is these “contradictions”
in works of art that make them

able to represent to us
our world & our selves,
full of “contradictions"

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Because you think of these things


Because you think of
arclight sparkling
thro a crack in the darkness

      a moment takes the mind, for a moment

Because you think of
winter spring summer fall
there, outside

      is in here, in you


Because you think of
a pair of planets
& ice on the moon in the darkness

      for a moment the mind has its path
      to which you return
      when the wind blows fire from Arcturus

Because you warm yr hands
on the piano
and touch silence

      when you think of these things
      the pulse keeps time
      with the mind


Because you think of
these fragile emanations of light
in the darkness,

      gleamings brief and bright
      go pop! sparkle! flash! in yr mind . . .

Because you think of
the bright ambiguous
meaning which is
both yes & no . . .

Because you think of these things

      memory, again
      will have its day
      in the light


Here is the mirror
in which you become grandiose

Here is the place where
tears fall from yr eyes

Here is the rose that was
silence that dreamed of becoming a rose

      And all these things
      uprush from the void

      And all
      this is you .

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I am old & young

I am
old & young

foolish as much as

a child as well
as a man

At home on the hills
or in the woods

wandering savage

physician priest

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Deep down the Soul's depth

deep down
the Soul’s depth
fathomless and calm

whatever may happen
in the vast circling where

every motion of man & woman
and Earth & all upon it
past, present and future

are all unspeakably

all and each
in its place

vast stretches of time 
in the universe

being one
perfect shape

Monday, September 8, 2014

Time on Earth

Time on Earth is
the greatest poem

the history of
day & night

moving in vast


Saturday, July 26, 2014

You & I

We two
now we return

We become plants

bedded in the ground

side by side

We are two resplendent suns

We are seas mingling

cheerful waves rolling
over each other

We've circled
and circled till we
arrived home

we two

This moment

here and now

You and I

Monday, July 14, 2014

Now is Eternity / Beginning again

Now is Eternity .
This Eternity . This Now —

Man &Woman will recognize it again
&come to dwell in it more easily so

when we regain memories of
the Meta-Mind our species lost

some 5160 or so years ago

was cut down to size

[. . . ]

III.                      (Embryology)
Beginning again
from a single point
     big in egg

Newborn, it is our own ground
we are forced to
     arrive at

     (the house I am,
      this house that lives
      &blooms, &has feelings,
      this house where life is)

This intricate structure
evolved by nature
     transfigured by lightning strike

Recapitulated in each
birth, this
     animal organism, now—

     (this tower,
      my center citadel
      is what
      it always was)

Bone      Muscle       Nerve      Blood

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Plundergraphia & "Radi Os"

Jason Christie offers the term “plundergraphia” to refer to the literary uses of found material:

“I believe it is necessary at the outset,” he writes, “to demonstrate how plundergraphia is distinct from plagiarism and reference, and shares little more than intention with found poetry.

"Plagiarism requires a person to desire to conceal a source for his or her benefit. … Found poetry appropriates previously conceived material into new arrangements but is still dependent upon the final product as product.

"Plundergraphia is a more general praxis that situates words in a new context where they are changed by their transformation.

Christie identifies Ronald Johnson’s treatment of Milton’s Paradise Lost as having a plundergraphic attitude toward an original source: Johnson’s “transformations of the original distort it beyond legibility into an entirely new creative expression." 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

History is /

History is
something visceral, difficult to
put into words

History is
staring at a piece of paper in the
trying to wrap my head around that
x-number of years ago   
so and so
put pen to paper
and created a document that traveld thro
from hands to eyes
thus creating a link to past
weaving my experience into the fabric
of those gone long before

History is the burning desire to find
those little bits of gnosis
scatterd like trails of breadcrumbs
thro our ancestors’ written and material records

History is
the excitement of unearthing something new
taking down or
or stumbling across
a letter or article or image
that gives that one little piece of information
that links up w/ all the other pieces of information
assembled along the way--
and all of a sudden
the BIG PICTURE is clear
and something NEW is understood

History is
moments of transcendence, feelings of connection
inspiring adventure & discovery —
the desire to seek
and the thrill of finding,
exploring & interpreting
glimpses of history's mysteries in the everyday
here & now

History is
stories told in words and images
stories we tell each other
stories we tell ourselves
stories that give our lives meaning
as the pages of our own lives
unfold & make life
worth living 

Friday, July 4, 2014

William Empson on the therapeutic role of psychopoesis

"Rather little good poetry has been written in recent years and, because it is no longer a profession in which ability can feel safe, the effort of writing a good bit of verse has in almost every case been carried through almost as a clinical thing; it was done only to save the author's own sanity.

"Exceedingly good verse has been written under these conditions in earlier centuries as well as our own, but only to externalize the conflict of an individual. It would not have been sensible to do such hard work unless the man himself needed it."

-- William Empson, Preface to "7 Types of Ambiguity"

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

In An Instant's Image


In an instant’s
it seemd

he suddenly outgrew the vision
proper to mortal sight
and could see

with eyes a-flower
the blazing source
of all our beginnings :

centers of power,

bees a-swarm
a spinning
whirl of worlds

where a stream of stars
overwhelmingly brilliant

centerd on a sun (now
nowhere to be seen ).


In that instant when he
saw the blazing stars ,
(the supreme moment of
his experience
in eternity ),

he glimpsed
strange vistas of
his own innermost being :

in that instant
times were present ,

as though the
depths of the
past and the
future also ,
coexistent ,

     the full achievement of all
     the whole protracted sequence
     of creations & destructions

     bodied forth
     after the other

     in sequence , each arriving
     & departing at its own peculiar
     place & time

coexisted somehow
inside him .

[ . . . ] 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Looking Backward

My beginnings seem far away

Countless things have intervened

I took note of each, tho
each of itself was meaningless

aware that within me
each existd for a purpose
past comprehension . I simply
took note and waited

patiently, for that shock
of recognition

when sudden illumination
would shake me


Thursday, May 22, 2014

incarnation is

incarnation is

     place  &  name
 landscape  &  inscape

habitation of orb & urb
as clue to the whole of creation

. . . 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Pangaea Gondwanaland Ouroboros

(circa 300 million years ago)

her head and nose
the coastline and the cape

her eyes in the south, her nose thrust
eastward toward the ear of

him whose head and hands are
grossly distended peninsulas

her tongue whispers westward,
his ear inclined north

their world of
gigantic geographical copulation,
their coitus of two united

world hemispheres
closed in a circle each occupies
round the world

from the end of the world
in the west to the end
of the world in the east

[. . . ]

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Beginning (and How to Get There) ['Gnostalgia' 1]

The path to the center is arduous.

Into the backward
inward circling
of the past

          he found himself
transported back to
the beginning of time,
projected out of
the profane world

returning to
remember his origin
or remember himself consciously
recalling his total existence

          in a rite of passage
he went back to
the origin of the world
and witnessd the original

by descending along the ladder of memories
to the bare earth
of his being.

Entering consciously into death
in a fit of passion
he enterd

the depth
the source
the origin

in and out of
the breath.

The union was the union with
the full Self
the one true complete original

Self of which
our little lives are
such finite fractal fragments.

All was vertigo.

Through endlessly cascading corridors of metacosmic memory
he fell, never quite touching bottom.

He shut his eyes for a moment,

      All the dualities and opposites
      all my sins and virtues
      all this dazzling chaos was

      the tensors
      bending me
      to the breaking point

Then he opend his eyes.

That's when he saw the Aleph.

[to be continued ...] 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

George Quasha on encountering Charles Olson

You’re going to be disappointed. My meeting with Olson wasn’t in Gloucester. I went to Gloucester and tried to meet him. He was in one of his dark periods. He was there, and I knocked on the door and called him on the phone many times. He’d unplugged his phone. He wouldn’t answer his door or any of those things. 

It was subsequent to that I met him in London for the first time. There was a big poetry conference in London, in the Albert Hall. Everybody was there, Neruda was there, I mean, poets from all over the world. It was incredible, a young poet’s dream to be able to go there and hear all there people in the course of a few days. ...

So we got to talk for about an hour or so. It was at that point I could ask him for manuscripts for Stony Brook magazine. I had in mind the idea that I was going to edit something. ... He responded to being in the magazine and submitted a poem. 

And actually the most valuable thing I can say to you about Olson is the relationship I had with him about that poem that’s published in Stony Brook. He submitted it, and then he called me up and said, “What happened to my manuscript?” And I said, “Oh, did you want this back?” 

It came to me on pieces of paper pasted together that was like that cheap carbon that you put in as your second sheet so you don’t dent the wheel. So it’s not real paper, really the stuff is meant to disappear in fifteen minutes. I was, like, holding it so that it wouldn’t come apart. If it came apart you might never quite get it together again. And you could see how he composed. Antin’s claim that it was collage had a kind of authenticity in the actual method Olson used in sticking these pieces of paper together. 

I said, “Well, I didn’t know you wanted it back so soon.” He says, “Yeah, I’ve got to have it back. Also, I’m not sure it’s right.” I said, “Well, you don’t have a copy at all?” He said, “No, I don’t have a copy. . . Read it to me.” I said, “Well, we’re going to press. We’re typesetting it right now. There wouldn’t be time for it to go back to you to make changes.” “Well, read it to me.” 

So I was reading his poem to him all on the telephone. He said, “Wait a minute. What did you just say? What was that? What was that? Read that again.” And I’d read the line again. “I didn’t say that, did I?” [Laughter] So we’d go a little further down, and he says, “Nah, you can’t say that. Go back and read that first paragraph up the top, up the top. You can’t say that up there if you’re saying this down here. . . Change that word. I’m going to change the one up there.” 

He went on like that, and so — actually I was scared stiff. Here’s this guy revising his poem in my head: the theater of Olson’s possibility. 


But let me say what it meant to me, because it actually changed my life, that experience. You never get to experience what goes on inside another poet’s process, and most of the time you don’t really need to know that. It’s not important. But Olson was important to me, and so to be able to hear that as something happening right there inside your time, the poem’s time becomes your time, and it’s his time, and he can’t have that time unless you read to him, so you’re involved, and you feel oddly responsible for something if you — you had no power, you’re just responsible. 

So it was very very anxious, but at the same time I got to hear how he thought. I actually felt I touched the way that he wrote poems, and what was interesting to him, how his ear would pick up at the bottom of the page what had resonance for something that had happened at the beginning of the poem — if this was here, you couldn’t do that there. 

So I actually got to hear by field. I got to hear what a field meant. It was a total auditorially accessible living reality that he was inside of, inside the poem, and was listening for. And because he had to externalize it to hear his poem back through my mouth, something that never gets externalized was momentarily out there, happening; and I got to be there to have it happening inside me, and it just changed something inside me. I heard poems totally differently as a result of that.  


It was spontaneous, but was rising to the occasion. The point was that there was a sense of responsibility that Olson had to something I couldn’t see, and I couldn’t hear it — I could hear it because he said so. Being responsible to the total field, it was as though Olson had made a mistake because he hadn’t listened well enough to the total field when he stuck these things together — because that’s a visual method: this has got to go there, this has got to go here — and so, unless you read it over and over to yourself or hear the whole thing, you might miss something. 

So another thing is the rigor of the method. It’s very hard to establish that. If you are writing about an Olson poem, you might be tempted to use language and methods of analysis that apply to poems in general to explain what’s happening, and it was quite clear to me that that was completely wrong, that he was listening to something that had a different reality altogether from how poems usually went together. It’s not that it didn’t have many of the elements; it’s what held them together was different, that that was the magic substance that you couldn’t put your finger on, and it was all in how you heard that total field.  


It was extremely objective. That’s the other thing about it. It was like there was an object there in the sense that you could point to it and you could be responsible to it.  

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The S T A R

Th e   S  T  A   R

blossomd with crowded
orbits of these shining jewels,
the whole sky

became visibly
a l i v e
with myriads of worlds .

Each peopled with unique
united in community,

each system
was itself
a communal being.

And the whole string
strung from end to end
in a single telepathic

mesh network was
an intelligent
and loving being,

common spirit of
diverse individuals .

. . .

"It may be relevant that
Charles Fort (Persinger and Lafreniere, 1977)
frequently noted the "coincidence"
of mass human events and environmental oddities
at the time that "new" stars were first observed ..."

. . .

Monday, April 7, 2014

Valorize all / forms of life

Valorize all
forms of life

holding open

Holy Fire


The early seer sages perceived
these Powers, contemplated
the mysteries of creation
(the successive aspects assumed
by earlier solar systems)

The magi of Chaldea
the priests of Egypt
to them the stars were alive,
in the stars they saw
the gods

So the planets became
the gods of mythology


The central doctrine of occult science
is the F I R E Principle

substance of the universe,
instrument of the gods

who was Fire hidden in all things
who was universal agent and substance

the Aryans revered the FIRE of Agni
for they saw in it the substance
and vestment of the gods

FIRE is an elemental first form of matter
the garment and the body of the gods,

the medium thro which
the gods acted upon the world

This doctrine of HOLY FIRE is an ancient doctrine
illuminated in the poetry of the Vedas,

formulated scientifically by Heraclitus
"FIRE is genesis
from whose transformations
all things are born"

FIRE is not only a vivifying principle
FIRE is also a destroying principle

planets, moons, created in fire
will be destroyed by fire


The gods are dead

There is only this
unending torrent of phenomena
following one another flowing
like w a v e s around
the circle of the sun

All things united
by sympathy or antipathy,
the whole of creation
held and linked together
is living and animated


1. circa 806 to 670 BC
2. circa 806 to 670 BC
3. post 670 BC

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Gathering . . .

George Quasha on the late Jackson MacLow:

"We get different results when we listen or read for something—something we think we want and already know how to hear (poetry!)—than when we allow language to freely talk to us, perhaps through us, or indeed to guide our thinking according to an unknown axis. . . .

"Jackson went on beyond procedure, as mentioned, to a new order of spontaneous composition, which also performatively changed the physical dimension of poetics. (I for one have never recovered from hearing them: the responsive alteration of ear-mind is unidirectional.) This is hard to explain; one has to listen “deeply” (to use Pauline Oliveros’s term for transformative listening) to the performance voices of both Cage and Mac Low to register the magnitude of the event inside the voice. It can alter our whole sense of the poetic vehicle and what it tells us about language. . . . 

"There’s a reciprocity between language and mind that we can feel but hardly understand. It seems to give, for one thing, direct access to the state of mind that is the release and receptivity of the poetic act .  . . . "

More on MacLow's practice of "gathering," a core principle of projective verse (cf. Charles Olson):

". . . he composed from the field of language wherever he was (at home, out in the city, traveling abroad), drawing words, phrases, even whole sentences from language he read, saw, heard, or thought in the moment of writing. He called it “gathering,” not “chance” . . ."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

3100 BC

After some confusion of mind

we realized we were looking at the solar system
in an earlier stage of its life
in fact

a time before it was really
much of a regular and ordered system
at all

It was clear that we had traveled back thro time

to the west
tangled tresses of star-streams spread
abroad on the darkness

to the north
two long whirling tassels
like spinning tops swayed

their currents sometimes

neonhot filaments of noonlight

streams crossing one another's paths
pulled one another

moving in great sweeping curves
as they pass from one to the other

each from each
swung round away

or more rarely
came together

and together

. . .

"Merkelbach began from such passages
to form his theory that all ancient novels
were intended by their authors as coded ritual
texts for use in Mystery Religions"

. . .

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

There's a hidden access

What's true of the smallest handful of dirt
is necessarily true
of the whole
earth .

There's a hidden axis

a precarious balance between
the interdependence
of single lives
and clustering forces flowing

forward and backward interweaving
possible motives and meanings

not apparent at first glance .

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Z-Pinch Interference Pattern

Electricity      compressed
& expressed
     by magnetism

     Where the circuit completes
two Birkeland Currents meet
and briefly become one

     - Implosive
     explosion -

     Where stars are born
& new earths are birthed
spherical and whole
     small and large

     . . .