Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Beginning (and How to Get There) ['Gnostalgia' 1]

The path to the center is arduous.

Into the backward
inward circling
of the past

          he found himself
transported back to
the beginning of time,
projected out of
the profane world

returning to
remember his origin
or remember himself consciously
recalling his total existence

          in a rite of passage
he went back to
the origin of the world
and witnessd the original

by descending along the ladder of memories
to the bare earth
of his being.

Entering consciously into death
in a fit of passion
he enterd

the depth
the source
the origin

in and out of
the breath.

The union was the union with
the full Self
the one true complete original

Self of which
our little lives are
such finite fractal fragments.

All was vertigo.

Through endlessly cascading corridors of metacosmic memory
he fell, never quite touching bottom.

He shut his eyes for a moment,

      All the dualities and opposites
      all my sins and virtues
      all this dazzling chaos was

      the tensors
      bending me
      to the breaking point

Then he opend his eyes.

That's when he saw the Aleph.

[to be continued ...] 

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