Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"apocalyptic master mind"

(from 'YHshVH Poems' an ongoing work-in-progress)

YHshVH was executed for sedition against Imperial Rome
for encouraging & supporting the Galilee insurrection

a bastard Romanish Jew
under the screws of two antagonistic cultyrs
at war with one another

and for many years after his death
a heightening of violence afterword ensued

like a hidden leaven
He, yes even HE
was widely held to be

a disturbed individual

radical revolutionary supported by terrorists
savage mystic believer in sympathetic magic
spiritual figurehead of tribal insurgents

apocalyptic master mind

He had a way about Him
of picking up others’ torches and carrying them

so far
in the distance his predecessors were forgotten

LIGHT they lit for me
pathway in the dark
revealed by the LIGHT

inside my house am I
all lit up by their LIGHT
everywhere inside . . .

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