Friday, February 22, 2013

from "Circling Around Circles"

Fiction is true
and the Poet’s ability to apprehend the truth in fiction

Keeps the story in play
keeps the plot thickening

Incorporates as many seemingly contradictory
or paradoxical
or mutually exclusive       elements       as possible
in an ever-expanding  W H O L E

The great power of fictive imagination
resides in its bringing into a single story

The most heterogeneous aspects of
our experience of the world

Sentences turning back upon themselves
convoluted continually creshendoing contours of consciousness
majestic mountains of metamorphorizing
schizophrenic - autistic
ambiguous use of clauses
conversions of gerunds back into verbums
tacking on of Verb to predicate Object
so that Object becomes Subject
all nouns becoming verbs

Sentences circling
around circles

“The track        down which everything passes
is backward turning "

"The way       there
is the way       back "

"Up & Down
One & the same "

There is always more Time remaining

World whirls round & round in circles
and there is no where any where on a circle
where the circle begins or ends

Every turning a means for the next turn
each turn mutually pushing
and pulling the next turn into shape
each the seed        each the leaven
for a new rise into embodied
being as it was always will be
there is no where any where in a wheel’s turning
where the wheelturning begins or ends

(and it goes without saying that
if the wheelturning stopt turning
there would never be
nothing to know
there was no turning
round wheeling
mandala spinning
no more )

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